Parsi Ravo, a Semolina Pudding

Parsi homes celebrate the start of auspicious days and special occasions with sweet servings, read more about that in my blog post on what makes Parsi food so unique.

Growing up, it often meant a delightful breakfast of Ravo, semolina, and milk pudding, with a topping of delicious ghee-roasted nuts. At other times, Parsi sev-dahi is served which is sweetened roasted vermicelli topped with cardamom vanilla yogurt. 

Every time I make my mom’s mouthwatering recipe for classic Parsi Ravo with sweetened semolina, eggs, and milk; the aromas of nutmeg, cardamom, and vanilla essence waft toward me, bringing back happy memories of birthdays and special childhood celebrations. 

As with many Parsi dishes, a variety of dried fruits and nuts, roasted in ghee on the stovetop, find their way into my Parsi Ravo. The most common ones are raisins, almonds, and cashew, giving this delicious treat an extra special touch. 

This versatile Parsi preparation best served warm in a bowl is ideal for breakfast or brunch, a high tea snack, or a mouthwatering dessert


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