Peri’s Spice Ladle is a blog, started in 2012, with the simple idea of bringing Indian and Parsi flavors to your table. As showcased for over a decade, “It’s easy to spice up just about any meal with a few Indian touches”.

Chicken Kathi Roll with Pickled Red Onion Relish

Chicken Kathi Roll is one of my favorite mouthwatering memories from India, a street food wrap that’s better known in western India as Chicken Frankie. Indian roti-chapati or paratha-style thick flatbread, often layered with well-beaten egg, and served as a wrap with your choice of spiced meat and/or vegetables – qualifies as a Kathi Roll.

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Kheema Flatbread - an Indian Ground Meat Sauce

Ground meat or Kheema (the Parsis call it ‘Kheemo’) is a popular Indian mince meat preparation.

Back in India, the recipes and versions of a Kheema are unique to each family. Some like it dry served with Indian bread while others prefer it soupy served with rice. I use my mom’s recipe, a personal favorite and always a hit.

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